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Create Decision Table for Auto Approval Conditions

A Decision Table allows users to define complex business rules and decision logic using a tabular format. Decision tables are particularly useful for automating decision-making processes within workflows, approvals, or other business processes.

Click here to learn more about Decision Tables.

We will create a decision table to assess the arrangement type and numbers of days and return an auto-approval result that we can access in our Main flow.

Return to App Engine Studio to Build the Decision Table

  1. Go to the tab with the App Engine Studio.

  2. Click on "Logic and Automation (1)".

  3. Click the +Add button.

  4. Select the Decision tile.

  5. Click the Begin button.

  6. Set up your decision table.

    Field NameField Value
    NameTelework Auto Approval
    Accessible fromThis application scope only
    Click on the Continue button.

  7. Click the Edit Decision Table button.

  8. Click the ⨁ Add button next to Inputs.

  9. Populate the following:

    Field NameField Value
    LabelTelework Case
    TableTelework Case

  10. On the Input row you just created, click Add condition column.

  11. Populate the NEW CONDITION COLUMN form.

    Field NameField Value
    Condition Column LabelArrangement
    DescriptionType of Arrangement
    Data to EvaluateField
    FieldTelework Case.arrangement
    Default operatoris
    Click on the Done button.

  12. Add another condition column.

    1. Click the plus button ⨁ next the condition we just created.
    1. Select "Add condition column".
  13. Populate the NEW CONDITION COLUMN form.

    Field NameField Value
    Condition Column LabelDays per Week
    DescriptionDays per Week
    InputTelework Request
    Data to EvaluateField
    FieldTelework Case.days_per_week
    Default operatorless than or is
    Click on the Done button.

  14. In the results column, click ⨁ Add result column.

  15. Populate the NEW RESULT COLUMN form.

    Field NameField Value
    Result Column LabelAuto Approved
    DescriptionIs telework auto approved
    Result TypeTrue/False
    Click on the Done button.

  16. Let's define our first decision row, by clicking into row 1.

  17. Populate the Arrangement Condition.

    Field NameField Value
    ValueSituational Telework

  18. Populate the Number of Days Condition.

    Field NameField Value
    Operatorless than or is
    Click on the value in the Auto Approved column (currently false).

  19. Change the result for Auto Approval to true.

    1. Switch the result to true.
    1. Click the OK button to continue.
  20. Let's add our next decision row by clicking ⨁ Add new deicion row

  21. Populate the Arrangement Condition.

    Field NameField Value
    ValueSituational Telework

  22. Populate the Number of Days Condition.

    Field NameField Value
    Operatorgreater than

  23. Let's add another decision row by clicking ⨁ Add new deicion row

  24. Populate the Arrangement Condition.

    Field NameField Value
    Operatoris not
    ValueSituational Telework

  25. Let's save our work by clikcing the Save button.


Test diffent scenarios before modifying the Main Flow.