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Department Issue Record Producer

We'll repeat most of the same steps as before, but this time for our Issue task type.

Let's start

  1. Select (+) Add and the choose the Record producer experience\ Select Edit record producer

Issue RP Image 1

  1. Enter Dept Issues in the Name field\ Provide a Short description\ Select Continue

Issue RP Image 2

  1. Select the Destination link on the left\ Set Record submission table to Dept Issue

Issue RP Image 3

  1. Set Service catalogs to Service Catalog and Selected categories to Dept as before

Issue RP Image 4

  1. Select the Questions link on the left\ Select Insert new question

Issue RP Image 5

  1. Set the Question type to Text\ Set the Question subtype to Single-line

Issue RP Image 6

  1. Check Map to a specific field on the table\ Set the Table field to Short Description\ Set the Question label to Issue Summary\ Select Insert Question

Issue RP Image 7

  1. Select + Insert\ Select New question

Issue RP Image 8

  1. Set Question type to Text\ Set Question subtype to Multi-line\ Set the Question label to Issue Details\ Select Insert Question

Issue RP Image 9

Issue RP Image 10

  1. Select the Review and Submit link on then left and then the Submit button on the right\ Select Return to my application

Issue RP Image 11