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2.4 Preview in portal


Requester users access ServiceNow via portals. The main 'out-of-the-box' default portal offered by ServiceNow is called Employee Center.

More Info: ServiceNow Product Docs Employee Center

In this exercise, you will preview the 'Apply for Telework' Record Producer in the Employee Center portal.


  1. Go to the browser tab that says 'Home - Creator Workshops'.
  1. Open the Employee Center.
    1. Click All.
    2. Type employee center.
    3. Click Employee Center.
  1. Search for the 'Apply for Telework' Record Producer form.
    1. Type telework in the search box.
    2. Press ENTER on your keyboard.
  1. Click 'Apply for Telework' in the search results.

Click the question-mark icon to see the annotation you pasted from the Word doc. Click it again to close the annotation.

  1. Fill out the form with the following values: (💡 double-click, copy & paste into the form).

    StepField NameField Value
    1Who is this request for?David Loo
    2When do you need this?This week
    3What type of Telework arrangement are you applying for?Situational Telework
    4Number of days per week?3
    5What is the reason for Teleworking?Dependent Care
    6Click Submit.

Exercise Recap

In this exercise, you learned how to use Employee Center to submit a Telework Case request on behalf of a different user than yourself.