Bonus Exercise 1.2: Test the Calculations
- Go back to App Home
- Click PREVIEW on the Travel request row
- A new tab opens up to show the list of Travel requests
- We did not format this list view back in Exercise 2, so let's go ahead to do that quickly
- Right-click anywhere on one of the column headers
- Click List Layout under Configure
- On the right Selected section, remove everything except Number and State. Do this by double-clicking on each line to be removed
- Add Opened by, Reason for travel, Departure date, Estimated trip cost from the left Available section onto the right Selected section
- Click Save
- You should now return to the list layout (your records will be slightly different based on what you entered in the exercise 4)
- Click New on the top right
- Fill up the form, ensure that you enter information for Departure date, Return date, Travel from, Travel to, and any numerical figure for Estimated airfare
- Right-click on the form header, then click Save
- Notice that the Travel days and Estimated trip cost fields are automatically populated, ensure that the values are correct
In the screenshot above, the following was calculated
2000 + (3 * 150) = 2,450
Well done, you now understand how to build Excel-like formulas into your application! Here are some other possible formulas that are currently supported, but more are on the way:
- AND Performs a logical AND operation on the arguments.
- AVERAGE Returns the average value of the arguments.
- CONCATENATE Joins one or more input strings into a single string.
- DIVIDE Returns the quotient value after dividing argument 2 by argument 1.
- IF Executes the specified statements based on the Boolean output of the conditional expression.
- ISBLANK Finds white spaces or blank values in the string and returns true if there are any.
- LENGTH Returns the total number of characters in the input string.
- LOWERCASE Converts the input string to all lowercase characters.
- MAX Returns the highest value in the specified arguments.
- MIN Returns the lowest value in the specified arguments.
- MULTIPLY Returns the multiplied value of the arguments.
- NOW Returns the current date and time of the instance in ISO format.
- OR Performs logical OR operation on the arguments.
- POWER Returns the result of the base value raised to the power of the exponent value.
- REPLACE Replaces characters in the source string with the characters in the target string.
- SUBTRACT Returns the result value after subtracting argument 2 from argument 1.
- SUM Returns the sum of all the arguments.
- TIMEDIFF Finds difference between 2 dates for Duration field.
- TITLECASE Converts the input string to all title case characters.
- UPPERCASE Converts the input string to all uppercase characters.
Here is a link to the official Product Documentation with an up-to-date list of the formulas: