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Bonus Exercise 1.2: Test the Calculations

  1. Go back to App Home
  1. Click PREVIEW on the Travel request row
  1. A new tab opens up to show the list of Travel requests
  1. We did not format this list view back in Exercise 2, so let's go ahead to do that quickly
  1. Right-click anywhere on one of the column headers
  1. Click List Layout under Configure
  1. On the right Selected section, remove everything except Number and State. Do this by double-clicking on each line to be removed
  1. Add Opened by, Reason for travel, Departure date, Estimated trip cost from the left Available section onto the right Selected section
  1. Click Save
  1. You should now return to the list layout (your records will be slightly different based on what you entered in the exercise 4)
  1. Click New on the top right
  1. Fill up the form, ensure that you enter information for Departure date, Return date, Travel from, Travel to, and any numerical figure for Estimated airfare
  1. Right-click on the form header, then click Save
  1. Notice that the Travel days and Estimated trip cost fields are automatically populated, ensure that the values are correct
  1. In the screenshot above, the following was calculated

    2000 + (3 * 150) = 2,450

Well done, you now understand how to build Excel-like formulas into your application! Here are some other possible formulas that are currently supported, but more are on the way:

  • AND Performs a logical AND operation on the arguments.
  • AVERAGE Returns the average value of the arguments.
  • CONCATENATE Joins one or more input strings into a single string.
  • DIVIDE Returns the quotient value after dividing argument 2 by argument 1.
  • IF Executes the specified statements based on the Boolean output of the conditional expression.
  • ISBLANK Finds white spaces or blank values in the string and returns true if there are any.
  • LENGTH Returns the total number of characters in the input string.
  • LOWERCASE Converts the input string to all lowercase characters.
  • MAX Returns the highest value in the specified arguments.
  • MIN Returns the lowest value in the specified arguments.
  • MULTIPLY Returns the multiplied value of the arguments.
  • NOW Returns the current date and time of the instance in ISO format.
  • OR Performs logical OR operation on the arguments.
  • POWER Returns the result of the base value raised to the power of the exponent value.
  • REPLACE Replaces characters in the source string with the characters in the target string.
  • SUBTRACT Returns the result value after subtracting argument 2 from argument 1.
  • SUM Returns the sum of all the arguments.
  • TIMEDIFF Finds difference between 2 dates for Duration field.
  • TITLECASE Converts the input string to all title case characters.
  • UPPERCASE Converts the input string to all uppercase characters.

Here is a link to the official Product Documentation with an up-to-date list of the formulas:

Product Docs: Formulas for column values in Table Builder