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Exercise: Configure Pipeline in Prod

Estimated Time to Complete: 15 minutes


Pipelines ↗ establish the path an application takes from Development to Production.

This facilitates administrators' ability to efficiently transfer applications across different instances in the App Engine Management Center.

The process involves setting up and configuring your pipeline, specifying the Environments ↗ to include, and determining their position in the pipeline.

The Pipeline is exclusive to the Controller Environment, which in this case is the Production instance.

Before Exercise

After Exercise

Example of a Dev->Test->Prod Pipeline


In this Lab, you will only configure Dev and Prod in the Pipeline.

Pipeline records are only configured in Prod.



Complete this exercise in the Global scope.

  1. Click All >> type pipelines >> click Pipelines. Navigate to Pipelines
  1. Initiate a new pipeline: Click New in the top-right corner. Create New Pipeline
  1. Fill out the form as follows:

    1NameMain Pipeline
    2Pipeline TypeApplication Deployment
    3Source EnvironmentDev

    Pipeline Form

  1. Submit the form. Submit
  1. Open the newly created Main Pipeline record. Main Pipeline
  1. Click New in the Pipeline Environments Order related list. New Order
  1. Complete the new form as shown below and click Submit when done.

    1PipelineMain Pipeline

    Environment Order Form

  1. Click Submit.

    • Your completed Pipeline record will look like this:



Make sure your Pipeline configuration matches the screenshot above.

DO NOT add Dev to the Pipeline Environments Order related list.

It is the Source Environment and does not get added to the additional environments list.

Lessons Learned

Through this exercise, we grasped the importance of correctly configuring the Pipeline in the Production instance.