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1.3 Import data


In this exercise, we will import data from the Telework_Data.xlsx spreadsheet directly into new tables.


  1. Close the guided tour.
    • Check "Don't show me this again"
    • Click the 'X' in the corner.
  1. Next to Data, click +Add.
    • Select "Import a spreadsheet".
    • Click Continue.
    • Drag and drop the file Telework_Data.xlsx onto the box

      If you have trouble with the drag and drop, just click '..browse to upload a spreadsheet' and select the file.

    • Click Continue.

Looks like the spreadsheet has multiple worksheets.

  1. Start with the Arrangement worksheet.
    • Check 'Import spreadsheet data'.
    • Click Convert to
  1. Leave 'A new table' selected.
    • Click Create new table.
    • Click Continue.

  1. Set the Display field for the table.
    • Click the chevron at the end of the Code row to expand options.
    • Check the Display checkbox under Code.
    • Click Continue.
  • The Display field is the one that appears when referencing this record from another table. Each table can have only one field marked as the Display field.
  • For example, if you reference this table in a dropdown, it will display the Code and not the Description.
  • Fields are also known as table columns.
  1. Table Label:
    • Set the "Table label" to Arrangement.
    • Click Continue.
    • Notice that "Table name" has been auto-populated with 'arrangement'.
    • Click Continue again.
  • Always give your table a singular name and not plural. ServiceNow will automatically make it plural when viewing multiple records.

  • For example, if you name the table 'Arrangements', then later you will see it in ServiceNow as 'Arrangementss' with two s's.

  1. Set the Table Permissions.
    • For the admin role, check "All".
    • For the user role, check "Read".
    • Click Continue.

Next import the Justfication worksheet.

  1. Click the chevron next to 'Justification'.
    • Check 'Import spreadsheet data'.
    • Click Convert to
  1. Leave 'A new table' selected.
    • Click Create new table.
    • Click Continue.

  1. Click the chevron to expand options.
    • Check Display.
    • Click Continue.
  1. Table Label:
    • Set the "Table label" to Justification.
    • Click Continue.
    • Notice that "Table name" has been auto-populated with 'justification'.
    • Click Continue again.
  1. Set the Table Permissions.
    • For the admin role, check "All".
    • For the user role, check "Read".
    • Click Continue.

Next import the Telework Case worksheet.

  1. Click the chevron next to 'Telework Case'.
    • Check 'Import spreadsheet data'.
    • Click Convert to

Pay close attention to the next step!

  1. Leave 'A new table' selected.
    • Click Create from an extensible table.
    • Click Continue.
  1. Select the Table:
    1. Click in the search box.
    2. Click on the Task table.
    3. Click Continue. Select Task Table
  1. Table Configuration:
    • Set the "Table label" to Telework Case.
    • Check 'Auto number'.
    • Click Continue.
  1. Set Permissions:
    • For the admin role, check All.
    • For the user role, check All and uncheck Delete.
    • Click Continue.

Sit tight while we add the table

In the next steps, you will match fields from your import with the fields on your newly extended table. You’ll have an opportunity to create new fields from your import in the new table.

Source: telework_cases.xlsx
  • On the left side of the page are the source fields from the spreadsheet.
  • The system was able to Auto map some of the fields with matching names in the Target table.
  • Auto mapped fields have a checkmark next to them.
Target: Telework Case
  • On the right side of the page are the target fields in the Telework Case table.
  • When the system was able to Auto map a field, it added a Data pill from the Source table.
  • On the left side of the screen, you can see that some of the spreadsheet columns do not exist in the target table.
  • You will create these new fields in the next few steps.
  1. Add the the missing fields.
    • Click the Add Fields link on the right. Field Mapping You will be given the option to 'Add fields from your import to the target table'.

Days per week is ok as an integer. Do not do anything to it.

  1. Modify Field Type: Change 'Justification' from String to Reference.
    1. Hover over the row and edit the field Justification by clicking on the pencil icon.
    2. Click "String" under Field type and change it to Reference.
    3. In 'Reference table', type just.
    4. Click the Justification table in the search results.
    5. Click Update field
  • A Reference field points to another table. You want the Justification field to point to the the Justification table created earlier.
  1. Modify Field Type: Change Arrangement from String to Reference.
    1. Hover over the row and edit the field Arrangement by clicking on the pencil icon.
    2. Click "String" under Field type and change it to Reference.
    3. Type Arrangement into the Reference table field and click on Arrangement in the drop-down.
    4. Click Update field.
  1. Finish adding new fields.
    • Click Add fields to add the new fields to the Target table.

Each field on the left side of the page should now have a checkmark beside of it like below. If not, please review previous steps or ask an instructor for assistance.

  1. Click Continue in the bottom right.

  1. Click Edit tables.

Exercise Recap

Well done! You've have imported the spreadsheet used by Amanda and her team to track Telework Cases into three new tables.

The Telework Case table references the Justification and Arrangement tables. This will help ensure data input consistency.

Since Justification and Arrangement are standalone tables, you can easily add or remove entries in production. This means the choices can be adjusted without the need to deploy a new version of the application.